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a short period when someone does a lot of shopping
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an amount of money that you pay to do something, to use something, or to get a service. e. g private doctors, layers, school.
gotówka lub karta (potocznie) inizia ad imparare
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someone who buys or uses goods or services
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a large group of people who live in the same country or area and have the same laws, traditions, etc
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śmiać się z kogoś lub czegoś inizia ad imparare
to show that you think someone or something is stupid
liczyć się, mieć znaczenie inizia ad imparare
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a period of time when you are not at home but are staying somewhere else for enjoyment
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the part of a person which is not their body, which some people believe continues to exist after they die
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amount of money that you receive from your employer, usually every month
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a machine where you can get money
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a piece of money made of metal
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money that you pay to the government
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a piece of paper which shows how much money you have to pay for something
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money that a bank lends you to buy a house
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osoba oszczędzająca pieniądze inizia ad imparare
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to have enough money to buy something or enough time to do something
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spłacać, zwracać pieniądze inizia ad imparare
to pay someone the money that you owe them
pojęcie (np. mieć pojęcie) inizia ad imparare
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to have to pay money back to someone
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money that somebody (or a bank) lends you
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to have a particular value, especially in money
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to receive possessions or money from someone who has died
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If a bank lends money, it gives money to someone who then pays the money back
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to give money to someone because you are buying something from them
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to use money to buy or pay for something
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to give money to a bank, business, etc, or buy something, because you hope to get a profit
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amount of money that you have to pay for something, especially for an activity or a service
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an arrangement with a bank to keep your money there and take it out when you need to
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a bad use of something useful, such as time or money, when there is a limited amount of it
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the amount of money that you need to buy or do something
zbierać pieniądze (na jakiś cel) inizia ad imparare
to collect money from other people
wypłacić, wybrać (pieniądze z bankomatu) inizia ad imparare
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with no other person or thing involved or between
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someone who tries to make other people admire their abilities or achievements in a way which is annoying
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to finally be in a particular place or situation
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an attempt to do something
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someone whose job is to repair or connect water pipes and things like toilets and baths
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to be happy to do something, if you need to
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the extra money that you must pay to a bank, company, etc which has lent you money
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money that you have saved, usually in a bank
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to repair something that is broken, torn, or not working correctly
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giełda papierów wartościowych inizia ad imparare
the place where stocks and shares in companies are bought and sold
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dostać, uzyskać, otrzymać inizia ad imparare
to get something that someone has given or sent to you
aplikować, składać podanie inizia ad imparare
to ask officially for something, often by writing
wzrastać (3 formy nieregularne) inizia ad imparare
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a large hole in the side of a cliff, mountain, or under the ground
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a container that is used to put waste in
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without being controlled or limited
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someone who has no home, job, or money and who lives outside
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to get free rides in people's vehicles by standing next to the road and waiting for someone to pick you up
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pozostawać, nie zmieniać się inizia ad imparare
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to say that you will not do or accept something
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something that is sold for less than its usual price or its real value
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Something which is similar to something else has many things the same, although it is not exactly the same.
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behaving or reacting naturally and without thinking
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a small shop that sells fashionable clothes
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to risk money on the result of a game, race, or competition
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someone who is buying things from shops
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a very rich person who has money and possessions
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a time when the economy of a country is not successful
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nagroda, przyznawać nagrodę inizia ad imparare
a prize given to someone for something they have achieved
osoba pisząca książki za kogoś inizia ad imparare
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a piece of art that is made from stone, wood, clay, etc
data do kiedy produkt może być na półce sklepowej inizia ad imparare
the date printed on a food or drink container after which it should not be sold
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an area where people live outside the centre of a city
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def.: a person who publicly demonstrates strong objection to something
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