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nie pamiętam słów tej piosenki
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I can't remember the words to this song
gdzie popełniłem błąd
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where did I go wrong?
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mowa jest srebrem, milczenie jest złotem
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Speech is silver, silence is golden
czyny mówią głośniej niż słowa
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Actions speak louder than words
fortuna sprzyja odważnym
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Fortune favors the bold
Which runs faster, hot or cold?
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Hot. Everyone can catch a cold.
What kind of snack do you have during a scary movie?
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I scream (ice cream)
How can you tell the ocean is friendly?
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It waves!
Why did the boy throw the butter out the window?
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to see a butterfly!
Why is six afraid of seven?
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Because 7 ATE 9
badać teren
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explore an area
jechać na kemping
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go camping
iść na rower
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go cycling
iść na pieszą wycieczkę
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go hiking
jechać na wycieczkę łódką
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go on a boat trip
iść na dzienną wycieczkę
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go on a day trip
iść na wycieczkę z przewodnikiem
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go on a guided tour
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go snorkelling
iść na plażę
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go to the beach
próbować lokalnego jedzenia
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try the local food

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