201 - 225

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Adoro passear à luz da lua.
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to (go for a) walk
I love to go for a walk in the moonlight.
As estrelas estão a brilhar tanto esta noite.
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to shine
The stars are shining so bright tonight.
A mãe castigou o filho por mentir.
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to punish
também: to ground
The mother punished her son for lying.
Vou considerar a tua oferta.
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to consider
também: to take into consideration
I'll consider your offer.
A nossa sociedade consome cada vez mais.
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to consume
Our society is consuming more and more.
Eu sofri depois de uma má separação.
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to suffer
I suffered after a bad separation.
Tenho que esperar pelo meu salário.
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to wait
I have to wait for my salary.
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