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Chuta a bola o mais forte que conseguires.
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to kick
Kick the ball as hard as you can.
Tenho de carregar o meu telefone.
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to charge
também: to recharge
I need to charge my phone.
Todos têm que assinar a lista.
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to sign
Everybody has to sign the list.
Se fumas, poderás eventualmente ter cancro de pulmão.
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to smoke
If you smoke you might eventually get lung cancer.
Temos que defender o país contra os inimigos.
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to defend
We have to defend our country against the enemies.
Em que estás interessado?
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to be interested
também: to have interest
What are you interested in?
Tenho que responder aos clientes.
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to answer
também: to reply
I have to answer to customers.
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