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Tak, ziom xd
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A person who agrees with everything they employer leader etc. says in order to please them
wścibska osoba
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a person who is too interested in things that do not involve them
mlody geniusz, wyjątkowy talent
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a young person who is very clever and successful
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a person especially a child who talks a lot
zmora, utrapienie
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pain in the neck
someone or something that is very annoying
Czarny koń
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Dark Horse
a person who keeps their interest and ideas secret especially someone who has a surprising ability or skills
stary wyjadacz
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old hand
someone who is very experienced and skilled in a particular area of activity
na jej sposób
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set in her ways
not liking change in your life
Czarna Owca
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Black Sheep
a person who has done something bad that brings embarrassment and shame to his or her family
życie i dusza imprezy
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life and soul of the party
someone who is energetic and funny and as the center of activity during social occasions
zgniłe jabłko
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rotten apple
one bad person who has a bad effect on others in the group
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loose cannon
an unpredictable person who may cause damage if he is not controlled
maniak telewizyjny
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couch potato
a person who lives a sedentary lifestyle never doing any exercise
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wet blanket
a negative person who ruins other people's Good Times
wazniak, gruba ryba
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big cheese
an important influential person
twardziel, twarda sztuka
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tough cookie
someone who is strong enough to deal with difficult or violent situations

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