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Domanda Risposta
an adult
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a library
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a librarian
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when I argue with my husband
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kiedy się kłócę z mężem
silent days
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ciche dni
Holland / Dutch
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Holandia / holenderski
a warehouse
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an evil woman / man
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zła kobieta / mężczyzna
a politician
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What's the opposite of...?
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Co jest przeciwieństwem ...?
great, excellent, magnificent, wonderful
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świetnie, znakomicie, wspaniale, cudownie
a police officer
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to cut with scissors
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do cięcia nożyczkami
to run a company / meeting
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prowadzić firmę / spotkanie
a shop
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sklep, zakład
to assist, to help
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towarzyszyć / pomagać
the army
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a sailor
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Health and Safety Regulations
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Przepisy BHP
a patient
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to sell
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a construction site, a building site
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plac budowy, plac budowy
This person works on a plane. He or she flies the plane.
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Ta osoba pracuje w samolocie. On lub ona leci samolotem.

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