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an advertisement in a newspaper or magazine which is designed to look like an objective article written by the journalists of that newspaper
Banner ad
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an advertisement appearing on a web page in the form of a bar, column, or box (baner reklamowy).
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a large board in a public place, used to display advertisements.
reklama komercyjna
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a television or radio advertisement
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the use of a well-known person to advertise a product.
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a piece of paper containing information or advertising, usually distributed free (ulotki).
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promotional material sent in the form of a letter or email to a large number of people at one time.
Marketing strategy
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its plans on how it will compete and succeed in particular markets.
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the place at which retail transactions are carried out.
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a new window which opens quickly on a computer screen in front of what you are working on, especially one generated for the purpose of advertising (wyskakujące okienka reklamowe)
Product placement
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a way of advertising a product by supplying it for use in films or television programmes.
Publicity stunt
Chwyt reklamowy
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something unusual done to attract attention
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a small amount of something given to a potential customer
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a short, easily remembered phrase, especially one used in advertising.
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financial support received from a person or organisation in return for advertising.
Subliminal advertising
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an image fleshed onto a screen very quickly so that people are influenced without noticing it (reklama podprogowa, reklamowanie podprogowe).
Target audience
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a particular group at which a product such as a film or advertisement is aimed (grupa docelowa).
USP (Unique Selling Points)
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aspects of a product that make it different from the competing products.
Viral advertising
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a way of advertising in which an image, video, piece of information is circulated from one Internet user to another.
Word of mouth
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spoken communication as a means of transmitting information. If news about a product come to you by word of mouth, someone tells you about it rather than you are seeing an advert.
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a series of actions intended to get a particular result.
Product placement
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is when products are used in films or TV shows, TV programmes.

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