At a Conference

 0    34 schede    VocApp
Domanda Risposta
¿Has hecho mucho turismo, mientras estás aquí?
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Have you done much sightseeing while you are here?
Me gustó mucho esa presentación.
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I really enjoyed that presentation.
¿Vas a la cena de conferencia?
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Are you going to the conference dinner?
Muchas gracias por venir.
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Thank you very much for coming.
¿Le importa si interrumpo? | No, no me importa. Adelante.
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Do you mind if I interrupt? | No, I don't. Go ahead.
Disfruten del resto de la conferencia.
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Enjoy the rest of the conference.
Siempre habla de muchos problemas.
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He always discusses / addresses a lot of problems.
+27 schede
La lezione è parte del corso
"Small Talk (Business English)"
(Un totale di 796 schede)

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