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Empezamos la primera reunión a las 10.
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We start the first meeting at 10 o'clock.
Busco al Sr. Stanford.
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I'm looking for Mr. Stanford.
Me preguntaba ¿si querrías venir conmigo?
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I was wondering if you wanted to come with me?
He organizado una visita el lunes por la mañana.
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I've arranged a visit Monday morning.
¿Tienes algún plan para el viernes por la noche?
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Do you have any plans for Friday evening?
Lo siento, estoy ausente toda la próxima semana ¿Qué tal la semana siguiente?
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Sorry, I'm away all next week. How about the week after next?
Estoy harto de ello.
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I’ve had enough of this.
+49 schede
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"Small Talk (Business English)"
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