Badminton Vocabulary; Słownictwo związane z badmintonem

 0    28 schede    Martyna15
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Domanda English Risposta English
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a serve that the opponent fails to hit
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back third of the court
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a stroke made on the side of the body opposite the racket side
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back line of the court
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shuttlecock (US)
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an illegal stroke in which the shuttle is caught and held on the racket before being released
centre line
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a line that separates the left and right service courts
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a shot hit deep into the opponent's court
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a game between teams of two players
drop shot
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a shot that just clears the net and then drops sharply
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a fast hard shot
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a foul shot, such as one that hits the net or lands outside the court
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the front third of the court
home position
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central position on court which is halfway between the baseline and net, and the two sidelines
kill/kill shot
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fast downward shot that cannot be returned
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a minor violation of the rules requiring a rally to be replayed
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a shot that is hit in a high arc, usually over the opponent's head
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the length of meshed material supported on a cord between two posts that divides the court
net shot
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a shot hit from the forecourt that just clears the net and drops sharply
passing shot
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a shot which passes the opponent
push shot
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a soft shot played by pushing the shuttlecock with a little wrist motion
racket (racquet)
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the instrument used by players to hit the shuttlecock
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a series of shots hit back and forth across the net
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a shot which begins the play
service court
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the area into which a serve must be hit
short serve
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a serve that barely clears the net and lands just inside the receiver's service court
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a powerful overhead shot
wood shot
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a legal shot in which the shuttlecock hits the frame of the racket

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