C1 Advanced (All That Jazz)

 0    12 schede    katarzynalebiedzinska
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Domanda English Risposta English
This is a film for highbrows.
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serious and difficult to understand
The revolt in the north is believed to have been instigated by a high-ranking general.
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bring about
cater for
The club caters for children between the ages of four and twelve.
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be on the go
Like most working mothers, she is always on the go.
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busy and active all the time
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change one's tune
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start to express a different opinion after sth has happened
face the music
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accept the consequences of bad actions
He didn't talk about his exam results in case people thought he was boasting.
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to speak too proudly or happily about what you have done or what you own
make a big deal out of sth
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make sth seem more important than it really is
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put sb off
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extremely loud

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