Clase 31 05/11

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ayer hizo calor
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Yesterday it was hot
ayer cuando estaba en la montaña hacía mucho calor
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yesterday when I was on the mountain it was very hot
creo que en Barcelona HARÁ mucho calor
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I think it will be very hot in Barcelona
ayer pedaleábamos en la bicicleta
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yesterday we pedaled on the bicycle
hacía mucho frío porque estábamos bajo la sombra
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It was very cold because we were in the shade
Hizo mucho frío porque estuvimos A la sombra
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It was very cold because we were In the shade
si yo no fuera empresaria, sería coach
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If I were not a businesswoman, I would be a coach
Si yo no hubiera dejado mi país, no sería empresaria
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If I had not left my country, I would not be a businesswoman
Si no hubiera dejado mi país, nunca hubiera sido empresaria
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If I had not left my country, I would never have been a businesswoman
entender algo a la primera
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understand something at first
Gambia tiene el mismo tamaño que Gales
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Gambia has the same size as Wales
si quieres ir del Este al Oeste
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if you want to go from East to West
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internet no funciona bien cuando llueve
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internet does not work well when it rains

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