Collocations 3

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przystąpić do egzaminu / przystąpić do egzaminu
to s__ an exam / to t___ an exam
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to sit an exam / to take an exam
oddać pracę nauczycielowi / oddać pracę nauczycielowi
to g___ in work to your teacher / to h___ in work to your teacher
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to give in work to your teacher / to hand in work to your teacher
Harry otrzymał nagrodę.
Harry was a_______ a prize.
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Harry was awarded a prize.
Maria musi skoncentrować się na swojej pracy.
Maria has to c__________ __ her job.
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Maria has to concentrate on her job.
Czy mógłbyś nam dokładnie wyjaśnić, co masz na myśli?
Could you e______ __ us e______ what you mean.
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Could you explain to us exactly what you mean.
Pominąłem kropkę. Przegapiłem kropkę.
I've l___ o__ the full stop. I've m______ o__ the full stop.
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I've left out the full stop. I've missed outthe full stop.
Kiedy Bill miał grypę, nie było go w szkole.
When Bill had ___ he was a______ f___ school.
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When Bill had flu he was absent from school.
Moje konto bankowe jest na minusie. - skojarz kolor
My bank account is __ ___ ___.
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My bank account is in the red.
To prawdziwa okazja cenowa.
That's a real b______.
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That's a real bargain.
Na dnie morza jest dużo aktywności wulkanicznej.
There is a lot of v_______ activity on the s__ f_____.
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There is a lot of volcanic activity on the sea floor.
Możesz ubiegać się o kredyt studencki.
You can apply for a ________ ____.
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You can apply for a student loan.
Boli mnie brzuch.
I've got a ________ ____.
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I've got a stomach ache.
zawroty głowy
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Wrzuć to do kosza na śmieci.
Put this in the r______ b__.
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Put this in the rubbish bin.
Nie stać mnie na zakup nowego.
I can't a_______ to buy a new one.
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I can't afford to buy a new one.
Prawdopodobnie jutro będzie śnieg.
We a__ l_____ to have snow tomorrow.
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We are likely to have snow tomorrow.
Trudno się oprzeć temu ciastu czekoladowemu.
This chocolate cake is h___ t_ resist.
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This chocolate cake is hard to resist.
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1. an injury 2. a wound
Co masz nadzieję zyskać dzięki swoim działaniom?
What do you h___ to g___ by your actions?
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What do you hope to gain by your actions?
Proszę, spróbuj się ze mnie nie śmiać.
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Please, try not to laugh at me.
Te ćwiczenia mają na celu wzmocnienie mięśni brzucha.
These exercises are d________ to s_________ your stomach muscles.
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These exercises are designed to strengthen your stomach muscles.
Właściciele nie są chętni sprzedać nam ten dom.
The o_____ are not w______ to sell us the house.
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The owners are not willing to sell us the house.

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