Collocations with the verb "to make"

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Domanda English Risposta English
to not make profit
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make a loss
This year, the company made a loss of almost 2 million dollars.
to become famous for something
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make one's name
Mozart made his name by composing genial concertos.
to help something exist
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make something possible
My parents made it possible for me to study at a prestigious university.
to earn a lot of money by successful work
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make a fortune
We'll make a fortune if they accept to be our partners.
to dial a phone number in order to talk
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make a phone call
I'll get back to you in a minute, I have to make an important phone call.
to explain and be completely understood
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make something clear
Mr. Kannon didn't succeed in making his opinion clear.
to prepare / brew coffee
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make coffee
Turkish people make some of the best coffee in the world.
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