Collocations with the verb "to tell"

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Domanda English Risposta English
to anticipate the future of somebody
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tell somebody's fortune
At the fall festival, we stood in line to get our fortunes told.
to read the time from a clock
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tell the time
You can ask a stranger to tell you the time.
to express false things
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tell lies
They broke up because he told many lies.
to tell a secret to somebody you trust
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tell somebody something in confidence
He told me the truth in confidence because we've been friends for 20 years.
to communicate a short amusing story
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tell an anecdote
She couldn't stop laughing after I told her an anecdote.
to pray using a rosary
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tell one's beads
Many people were telling their beads in the church.
to reveal the facts according to reality
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tell the truth
The suspect refused to tell the truth.
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