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 0    12 schede    pmaciejowski
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zaprosić kogoś na randkę
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to ask somebody out
You behave like a moron! Ask her out and then you will know if she likes you or not!
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get back
When did you get back?
dochodzić, pogodzić się
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get over
It took him two years to get over his wife's dead.
dodzwonić się
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get through
I tried to contact her but I couldn't get through.
przestawać coś robić
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give up
I gave up smoking two years ago.
zmierzać do
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head for
The troops were heading for the capital city.
otrzymywać od kogoś wiadomość
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hear from
I haven't heard from him for ages.
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let down
You let me down again, I can't trust you anymore!
opiekować się
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look after
We need to find someone to look after the kids when we are out tomorrow evening.
odłożyć na inny termin
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put off
Can you put off the meeting? I need to tak to you.
kończyć się, brakować
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run out
We ran out of butter today morning!
wynosić kogoś finansowo
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set somebody back

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