Der Körper

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Domanda Risposta
die Achsel
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the armpit
der Ellbogen
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das Haar, die Haare
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the hair, the hair
das Knie, die Knie
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the knee, the knees
die Nase, -n
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the noses
der Rücken, die Rücken
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die Wade, die Waden
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the calf
das Auge, die Augen
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the eye, the eyes
die Ferse (die Fersen)
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the heel
das Hals
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the neck
der Kopf
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der Oberarm
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the upper arm
die schulter-n
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die Zehe, die Zehen
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the toe, the toes
der Bauch, die Bäuche
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the belly, the bellies
der Finger, die Finger
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the finger, the finger
die Hand
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der Oberschenkel
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the thigh
die Stirn
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der Bauchnabel
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the bellybutton
der Fuß
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die Hüfte
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the hip
der Mund
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das ohr, die ohren
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the ear, the ears
der Unterarm (die Unterarme)
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the forearm (the forearms)
die Brust
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der Genitalbereich
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the genital area
das Kinn
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der Nacken
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the neck
der Po /das Gesäß /der Arsch
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the buttocks / the buttocks / the ass
der Unterschenkel
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the lower leg

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