Digital marketing

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advertising on a website that is relevant to the page’s content
Contextual targeting is good for attracting traffic from similar sources.
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contextual targeting
Contextual targeting is good for attracting traffic from similar sources.
promotion of websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages primarily through paid advertising
search engine marketing
SEO is a big part of ______.
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search engine marketing
SEO is a big part of SEM.
process of contribution of information to any media, especially digital media
Specialists in ______ can sometimes be outsourced.
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content creation
Specialists in content creation can sometimes be outsourced.
form of retargeting employed by online marketers that target an audience based on the previous searches they conduct on other websites
Price rates for ______ have grown by 5%.
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search retargeting
Price rates for search retargeting have grown by 5%.
use of a number of outlets and communities to generate publicity to increase the awareness of a product, service brand or event
social media optimisation
_______ can help us get the most out of all social media outlets.
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social media optimisation
SMO can help us get the most out of all social media outlets.
business communication connection between an external stakeholder and an organization through various channels of correspondence
Organic ______ is down 2% this week.
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Organic engagement is down 2% this week.
hashtag is a word or phrase preceded by a #
Never use too many ______, it doesn't look nice and worries the users.
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Never use too many hashtags, it doesn't look nice and worries the users.
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