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transfer of goodwill from one product in a company's line to another
We hope that ______ will help increase our sales for the next launch.
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halo effect
We hope that halo effect will help increase our sales for the next launch.
action of designing or producing something to meet someone's individual requirements
______ is a nice way to make the customer feel unique.
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Personalization is a nice way to make the customer feel unique.
anything that can be offered to a market to satisfy the desire or need of a customer
How did you discover our ______?
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How did you discover our product?
work directed towards the innovation, introduction, and improvement of products and processes
research and development
______ investments are needed to bring out new products.
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research and development
R&D investments are needed to bring out new products.
marketing of generally similar products with minor variations that are used by consumers when making a choice
Simple ______ doesn't work anymore, we have to come up with something brand new.
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product differentiation
Simple product differentiation doesn't work anymore, we have to come up with something brand new.
products which are not necessary but which tend to make life more pleasant for the consumer
The first thing you think of as _____ is jewelry.
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luxury goods
The first thing you think of as luxury good is jewelry.
use of computer-aided manufacturing systems to produce custom output
If the option of ______ is added to the website the number of customers will surely grow.
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If the option of customization is added to the website the number of customers will surely grow.
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