expresiones en inglés

 0    16 schede    carlosmartinvercoutter
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it didn't cross my mind
it didn't cross my mind I could work as a receptionist
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no pasó por mi mente
I'm hungover
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Estoy resacoso
to get drunk
i got drunk a lot yesterday
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me emborrache mucho ayer
It, ll be great
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será estupendo
I'lk talk to him then
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Hablare con él luego
the check, please
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la cuenta porfavor
we could go to the movies
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podríamos ir al cine
stomach ache
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dolor de estomago
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la lesión
you are the dog's bollocks
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eres la leche
get well soon
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mejorate pronto
what is he like?
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¿Cómo es él?
i'm coming up
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we are on the same page
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estamos en la misma onda
National anthem
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himno nacional
and they lived happily ever after
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y ellos vivieron felices para siempre

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