Expressions with put – English Vocabulary

 0    12 schede    Martyna15
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Domanda English Risposta English
to put smb on
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to tease, fool smb
to put smb away
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to put in prison
to put smth away
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to eat or drink smth
to put some distance between smb and smb/smth
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to move away from
to put on the Ritz/dog
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to make everything special for smb
to put the bite on smb
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to try to get money from smb
to put the finger on smb
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to identify smb
to put that in one's pipe and smoke it
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You see! Take that!
to put the heat/screws on smb
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to pressure smb into smth
to put the moves on smb
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to try to seduce smb
to put (stick) one's nose into smth
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to interfere with smb's business
to put a cork in it
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to be quiet

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