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You're good at football.
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You're good at football. in inglese
Jesteś dobra w piłce nożnej.
Let's play!
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Aunt Beth is in town today.
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Ciocia Beth jest dzisiaj w mieście.
It's Aunt Beth's study.
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To gabinet cioci Beth.
Come and see it.
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Przyjdź i zobacz.
Here's a photo of the jungle.
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Oto zdjęcie dżungli.
Aunt Beth is in it.
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Jest na nim ciocia Beth.
Turn to another page of the book.
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Przewróć kolejną stronę księgi.
Look! What is it?
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Patrzcie! Co to jest?
It's another world.
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To inny świat.
Where is the house?
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Gdzie jest dom?
Where are we?
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Gdzie jesteśmy?

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