First B2 2018-2019

 0    41 schede    kennydb1983
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Domanda English Risposta English
to feel under the weather
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to feel ill
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a large stone structure where someone (important) is buried, similar to a grave
kick the bucket
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to die
stag/hen night/party
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a party for someone who is going to get married, organised by their friends US bachelor/bachelorette party
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related to milk, e.g. dairy products/farm(er), dairy-free diet
to starve, starving
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to die or become weak because of a lack of food cfr. I'm starving! Let's have a snack/dinner.
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a very small piece of bread, cake, biscuit
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a string you use to fasten your shoe, also shoelaces, e.g. to (un)tie your laces
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earth that has been mixed with water
to cry buckets
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to cry a lot
a jingle
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a short, memorable tune, often with words, used to advertise a product
a brand
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a type of product made by a particular company
to miss the boat
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to lose an opportunity
puzzled by something
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confused because you don't understand something e.g. He had puzzled look on his face
to take out a loan
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to get an amount of money from the bank, to paid back with interest
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money from the bank used to buy a house/apartment
to gaze at
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to look at, to watch, to stare at
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short for advertisment
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a place where dead people are buried, syn cemetery
at once
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a cheerful person
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a person who is usually happy, opposite miserable
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happy with what you have, opposite jealous
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doesn't change their ideas/plans/opinions easily, opposite flexible
to take after someone
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to look like, to be like, to be similar to someone of your family
to pass away
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to die
to stay in
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to stay at home
to hang onto something
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to keep something
to get over an illness
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to get better, to recover
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interesting and exciting, holds your attention
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to urge
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to encourage someone strongly to do something, e.g. the party urged her to run for president
to be made redundant
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to lose your job, synonyms to get fired/sacked
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checking/current account
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a bank account you can take money from at any time, usually linked to your debit and/or credit card, cfr savings acount
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when you temporary own the bank some money
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an amount fo money that you have to pay for a service, e.g. free of charge, bank charges
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a large amount of water covering land which is normally dry
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a small river, also a stream of blood
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a man-made river

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