Friends s01e11

 0    18 schede    arturmalagowski
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to plunge into sth
Behind you there is a guy who has a potential to plunge us into depression.
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pogrążyć się w czymś, zanurzyć się w czymś
a dent
Did you see the dents in his knuckles?
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Are there no conscious men in the city for you two?
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Potwierdzam, jest przytomny.
a groin
Dead guy getting hit in the groin 30 times.
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to pass sth around
Your friends were passing around page 79 of Mistress Bitch.
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puszczać coś w obieg
to beam with pride
I'm busy beaming with pride.
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promieniować dumą
to famish
I'm famish. What do I want?
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a dive
What is this dive? Only you could've picked this place.
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mordownia, speluna
to appraise
Anyone wants me to appraise anything?
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szacować, wyceniać
a slugger
You okay, slugger?
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gracz mocno odbijający piłki
a jock strap
He's not even wearing a jock strap.
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męskie stringi
He can be liberated from his denim prison.
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to engorge
And there is no "J" in "engorged".
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nabrzmiewać, puchnąć
to reaherse
We're rehearsing Greek play.
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ćwiczyć (przemówienie), robić próbę (teatralną)
a tonsil
You played tonsil tennis with my mom.
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migdałek (w gardle)
I'm little woozy but basically okay.
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otumaniony, zamroczony
On page two, he's not reaching for her "heaving beasts".
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falujący, buzujący
He moved his head, and the throbbing nearly caused him to black out.
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