Leonardo da Vinci’s groundbreaking anatomical sketches PART 3

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any infectious disease that spreads quickly and kills many people ▶ zaraza, dżuma, mór, pomór
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plague /pleɪɡ/
(formal, approving) a person who knows a lot about many different subjects; erudyta w wielu dziedzinach
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a polymath /’pɒlimæθ/
a state of great noise or confusion; a state of great anxiety and confusion ▶ zgiełk, wrzawa, chaos
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turmoil /’tɜ:mɔɪl/
to run away or escape from sth ▶ uciekać (z czegoś)/(przed kimś/czymś), zbiegać, czmychać
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flee, fled, fled
to meet or find sb/sth by chance ▶ natykać się na kogoś/coś, napotykać kogoś/coś
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to come across sb/sth
exact and correct; without mistakes ▶ dokładny; opposite: inaccurate
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accurate /’ækjərət/
a room that is used for a particular purpose ▶ sala, komnata
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a chamber
a closed space in the body, a machine, etc. ▶ komora
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a chamber
chambers of the heart / The heart is divided into four separate chambers: Right Atrium, Right Ventricle, Left Atrium, and Left Ventricle.
the process of burning ▶ spalanie
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combustion /kəm’bʌstʃən/
(anatomy) either of the two upper spaces in the heart that are used in the first stage of sending the blood around the body; synonym: auricle; przedsionek serca
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atrium /’eɪtriəm/
either of the two lower spaces in the heart that pump blood to the lungs or around the body (komora serca)
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ventricle /ventrɪkl/
movement in circles round a central point ▶ ruch obrotowy, obrót, rotacja
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rotation /rəʊ’teɪʃn/
rotacyjny, wirowy
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rotational / rəʊ’teɪʃənl/
a shape or an object that has a round base and a point at the top ▶ stożek, przedmiot w kształcie stożka
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a cone /kəʊn/
the hard fruit of a pine (sosna) tree or a fir (jodła) tree szyszka
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a cone /kəʊn/
the act of turning sth with your hand, or of turning part of your body ▶ skręcenie, wykręcenie
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a twist
to x sth (out) to press and squeeze sth in order to remove water from it ▶ wykręcać (bieliznę), wyżymać
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wring /rɪŋ/ wrung /rʌŋ/ wrung /rʌŋ/

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