Lesson 118

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Domanda English Risposta English
When we use nouns in the general sense what do we do with them?
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When we use nouns in the general sense, we put them in the plural and we do not put an article in front of them.
Give me an example.(using nouns in the general sense)
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People go to cinemas to watch films. Schools educate children.
What do we do if a noun doesn't have a plural form?
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If a noun doesn't have a plural form, we simply use it on its own, also without an article.
Give me an example, please.(noun doesn't have a plural form)
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Paper comes from wood. Bread is commonly eaten with butter.
Is it correct to say " The water is necessary for the life "?
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No, it isn't correct to say that.
What must we say instead (The water is necessary for the life)
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We must say " Water is necessary for life " instead.
What are the articles in English?
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The articles in English are " the ", " an " and " a".
What do we call the word " the"?
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We call the word "the " the definite article.
What do we call the words "a" and " an"?
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We call the words " a " and "an " the indefinite articles
What's the difference between "a" and "an"
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The difference between "a"and "an" is that we use "a" before a word that starts with a consonant sound, whereas we use " an" before a word that starts with a vowel sound.
Give me some examples, please? (definite a, an)
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a book, a university, an apple, an hour, etc.
When do we use the indefinite articles " a" and "an "
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... with singular countable nouns.
Give me an example. (indefinite a, an)
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a table, an adress
When do we use the word " one " instead of the indefinite article?
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... when we want to emphasize the number.
Give me a sentence with the word " one ", please
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I like one song on that CD, but all the others are really boring.
What kind of worms are there?
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There are earthworms, silkworms, woodworms, etc.
What kind of things are often made of silk?
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Ties, scarves, lingurine, dress etc. are often made of silk.
How many limbs do humans have?
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Humans have four limbs.
If you discovered rats in your house, would you consider using poison to kill them?
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Yes, if I discovered rats in my house, I'd consider using poison to kill them.
Would you be willing to spend a night alone in a cave full of bats?
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No, I wouldn't be willing to spend a night alone in a cave full of bats.
Do you think some people deserve more of the good things in life then others.
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Yes, I think some people deserve more of the good things in life then others
Why (some people deserve more of the good things)
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Because some people work more and harder then others
Is there anything you think you deserve but have never received.
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Yes, there is something I think I deserve but have never received.
What and why? (you deserve but have never received)
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Is dog which I' m not received when I was child because we were lived in the block of flat.
What's the difference between the words "freQUENT " and "FREquent "
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... is that "freQUENT " is a verb, whereas the "FREquent " is an adjective
Do you frequent any clubs?
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No, I don't frequent any clubs.
Do you pay frequent visit to your doctor.
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No, I don't pay frequent visit to my doctor.
How frequently do you visit your dentist?
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I visit my dentist about twice a year.
What's the best way to attract people attention in the street?
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The best way to attract people attention in the street is to shout loudly to them and wave.
What are the main attractions of the place where you live?
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The main attractions are main Square, Churches, Vistula River, museums, Kazimierz.
Tell me the name of a famous person who you think is attractive even though they are not particulary beautiful or good-looking.
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A famous person who I think is attractive event though is not particulary beautiful is Fredie Mercury from Queen
Do you think most people these days are too busy with their own lives to care about rest of the people in the world?
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Yes, I think most people these days are too busy with their own lives to care about rest of the people in the world.
What kind of things make you feel miserable?
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The kind of things that make me feel miserable are bed weather, sad films, sad music, arguments, etc.
Which do you think's the most miserable place on earth?
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I think the most miserable place on earth is cave with full of bats.
What do we mean by " miserable weather "?
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By " miserable weather " we mean cold and rainy weather.
Name some different emotions, please
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Some different emotions are hapiness, sadness, surprise, anger, etc.
Do you ever get very emotional when you watch a sad film?
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Yes, I sometimes got very emotional when I watch a sad film.
What does the idiom " look before you leap " mean?
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The idiom " look before you leap" means think carefully before you make a big decision.
Give me an example, please.(look before you leap)
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You should always look before you leap when buying a house.

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