Lesson 9A: 28.05.2018

 0    19 schede    harrietreynolds
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Domanda English Risposta English
close down
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to stop doing business permanently
to drop
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to go down
to expand
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to get bigger
to import
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the process of buying and bringing in products from other countries
to export
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the practice or business of selling goods to another country
to launch
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to start selling a new product or service to the public
to manufacture
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to make goods in large quantities in a factory
to market
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to use advertising and other methods to persuade people to buy something
to merge
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to join to form one bigger organisation
to produce
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to make or grow something, especially in large quantities and in order to be sold
to set up
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to start something such as a business
to take over
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to take control of something
to make sb redundant
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to tell sb they must leave their job because they are no longer needed
a chain
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a group of businesses such as shops, hotels, or restaurants that all belong to the same person or company
a multinational
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a company that has offices or factories in many countries
a branch
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an office or shop that is part of a larger organization, e.g. a bank
CEO (= chief executive officer)
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the person with the highest rank in a company
a customer
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a customer in inglese
someone who buys goods or services, for example from a shop or restaurant
a client
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someone who receives a service from a professional person, for example from a lawyer

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