Lesson - At the Gym

 0    21 schede    jessehandley
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a rowing machine - (ergometer - rowing machine)
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maszyna do wiosłowania - (ergometr - maszyna do wiosłowania)
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skipping rope, jump rope
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skakanka, skakanka
exercise bike
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rower treningowy
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stair stepper
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stepper schodowy
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exercise ball, Swiss ball
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piłka do ćwiczeń, piłka szwajcarska
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doing arm curls
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robienie uginania ramion
doing crunches
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robić brzuszki
doing pull-ups
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robienie podciągnięć
doing push-ups
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robić pompki
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cardio exercises
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ćwiczenia cardio
in shape
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w formie
give up
Natalie has given up the idea of becoming a super star.
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poddawać się/rezygnować
Natalia porzuciła pomysł zostania gwiazdą.
He sustained severe injuries while trying to untangle a fishing net from the propeller.
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uszkodzenie / kontuzja
Odniósł poważne obrażenia, próbując rozplątać śrubę z sieci rybackiej.
to tone muscles
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tonować mięśnie
warm down
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to do some light exercises to help the body recover from energetic activity
to bulk up
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to increase the size of something

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