Liczebniki porządkowe _ 21st - 31 st

 0    11 schede    angielskinaprzymorzu
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Domanda Risposta
21st (dwudziesty pierwszy)
inizia ad imparare
the twenty-first
22nd (dwudziesty drugi)
inizia ad imparare
the twenty-second
23rd (dwudziesty trzeci)
inizia ad imparare
the twenty-third
24th (dwudziesty czwarty)
inizia ad imparare
the twenty-fourth
25th (dwudziesty piąty)
inizia ad imparare
the twenty-fifth
26th (dwudziesty szósty)
inizia ad imparare
the twenty-sixth
27th (dwudziesty siódmy)
inizia ad imparare
the twenty-seventh
28th (dwudziesty ósmy)
inizia ad imparare
the twenty-eighth
29th (dwudziesty dziewiąty)
inizia ad imparare
the twenty-ninth
30th (trzydziesty)
inizia ad imparare
the thirtieth
31st (trzydziesty pierwszy)
inizia ad imparare
the thirty-first

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