Making plans

 0    12 schede    Zaba_pl
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Domanda English Risposta English
an appointment
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a formal arrangement to meet or visit someone at a fixed time and place
a date
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a planned romantic meeting between two people
a get-together
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an informal meeting or social gathering
a dinner engagement
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an arrangement to meet somebody for an evening meal (very formal)
a check-up
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a medical examination to test the general state of your health
an interview
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a meeting in which someone asks you questions to see if you suitable for a job or course
come up
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happened unexpectedly
tied up
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busy, unavailable
meet up
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meet someone in order to do something together
bring forward
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change to an earlier time/day
put off
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change to a later time/day
Are we still on for tomorrow night?
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meeting as planned

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