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keep something away (for example: insects/water) odpuchać
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something/someone you find disgusting or unpleasant and want to stay away from
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something/someone repels you
prevent/discourage someone from doing something by making it difficult or unpleasant for them to do it, odstraszać
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a funny way of using a word so that more than one meaning is suggested
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a pun
to avoid someone or something
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steer clear of
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very dirty
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waste material from homes and other buildings
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containing a large number of
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teeming with
not surprised or worried
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poor and crowded area of a city in Brazil
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person with a strong belief in a certain cause who takes action to achieve their aims
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time during which someone refuses to eat as a protest
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hunger strike
period of time when a person chooses not to eat
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Here used as an adjective used to describe a person who is mentally and emotionally strong
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when someone beats the team or player that was expected to win
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an upset
to succeed in doing something that is difficult
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pull something off
encourage someone or urge someone to do something (especially something they shouldn't do)
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egg somebody on
a situation in which there is a lot of noise or craziness because people are excited, angry, or frightened
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begin or cause something to begin
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kick off
give responsibility for something important to another person or group
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pass the baton
finish something
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wrap up
to quickly leave a place, normally because it is dangerous or unpleasant
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used here as an adverb before a number to mean 'approximately'
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a place which is the the centre of a particular activity
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short missions
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not stable; likely to break
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(here) thought to be lower than it really is
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ways of earning money in order to live
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rising quickly
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falling quickly and suddenly
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very shocking and surprising
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suffer the worst part or effect of something bad or harmful
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bear the brunt of
hold/keep/play your cards close to your chest
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not share key information; be secretive
come clean
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tell the truth about something you were keeping secret
big deal
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something important
not that big a deal
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important, but not very important
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short period when you are ill or unhappy; a short period of activity
bat away
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(here) reject
very big
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giant / massive / gigantic
from outside planet Earth
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secretly listen to a conversation
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