One thing

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Una cosa
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One thing
Bianca está en casa, con su hermano, Rafael.
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Bianca is at home with her brother Rafael.
¡Ay, no! Necesito pan para mi sándwich.
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Oh no! I need bread for my sandwich.
¿Vas al supermercado?
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You go to the supermarket?
Sí. Quiero comer un sándwich de queso.
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Yes. I want to eat a cheese sandwich.
¡Ah, también necesito una cosa del supermercado!
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Ah, I also need a thing from the supermarket!
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Un tomate, por favor.
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A tomato, please.
Es para mi ensalada.
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It's for my salad.
Está bien.
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It's OK.
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¡Ah! Y también quiero tres manzanas...
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Ah! And I also want three apples...
Está bien.
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It's OK.
... y jugo de naranja.
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... and orange juice.
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... y leche, por favor.
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... and milk, please.
Mmm... tengo una idea, hermanito.
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Mmm ... I have an idea, little brother.
Aquí está el dinero.
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Here's the money.
Quiero una cosa del supermercado: pan.
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I want one thing from the supermarket: bread.

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