Paper artist

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stracić interes
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to lose your business
Nie miałem przyszłości.
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I had no future.
zwracać się, skierować się (zacząć myśleć o czymś)
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to turn to sth
I turned to paper art.
sterta czegoś
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a stack of sth
stacks of paper
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to shift
rzeźbić, drążyć, wydrążać (np. figurkę, wzorek w drewnie)
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to carve
I started to carve on this paper.
szlifować (papierem ściernym)
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to sand sth
kształtować coś
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to shape sth into sth
I started shaping it into the form that I want.
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a sculpture
robić na kimś ogromne wrażenie
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to blow sb's mind
There was one scene in the film that really blew my mind. (NiV)
wychodzić z siebie, wariować to freak out
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to go crazy, to freak out
Nie wierzę własnym oczom.
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I can't believe my eyes. (NiV)
They can't believe their eyes.
na całym świecie
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My art has really exploded worldwide.
na co dzień
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on a dialy basis
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to pinch
szczypać się
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to pinch yourself
Sometimes I've gotta pinch myself cause I can't believe it. / Sometimes I have to pinch myself because I can't believe it.

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