phrasal verbs2

 0    13 schede    ZbigniewStonoga
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zabierać się za coś
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get down to something
I must get down to booking the hotels.
pogodzić się z czymś
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get over sth
przedostać się
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get through
robić postępy
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get ahead
I heard that you have a new job and you're getting ahead - congratulations.
wykręcić się od czegoś
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get out of sth
Help me to get out of a punishment
dogadać się z kimś, wspolpracowac
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get along with sb
poruszać się
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get about/around
become friendly with someone, especially in order to gain an advantage
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get in with somebody
"I hope he doesn't get in with the wrong crowd"
ujść na sucho, uniknąć kary za coś
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get away with sth
he got away with using performance enhancing drugs
to start enjoying something, or to become enthusiastic about it.
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to get into something
How did you get into journalism?
być obeznanym/poinformowanym
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be clued up about
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bring about
It can bring about serious consequences.
powstrzymywac, zatrzymywac
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hold back

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