Piotrek 4th March (45 min)

 0    10 schede    pkempkiewicz
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Domanda Risposta
Chcę znaleźć odpowiedni rower dla mojego syna.
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I want to find the right bike for my son.
Czy lubisz jeździć na rowerze?
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Are you into cycling?
Czy twoje dzieci lubią jeździć na nartach?
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Are your kids into skiing?
On nie poszedł na uniwerek
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He didn't go to university/uni.
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an employer
He's my employer.
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an employee
He is in charge of hiring and firing employees.
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a lightbulb
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a region
Ona zawsze ma dobre pomysły.
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She always HAS good ideas.
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a HOtel

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