Schedules II

 0    14 schede    rafuzar3
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Domanda Risposta
better late than never
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lepiej późno niż wcale
on the spur of the moment
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pod wpływem impulsu
once in a blue moon
They ate in the dining room once in a blue moon.
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od święta
living on borrowed time
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żyć na kredyt
in the interim = in the meantime
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w międzyczasie
against the clock
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na czas
all in good time
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wszystko w swoim czasie
the time is ripe
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najwyższy czas, dobry moment żeby coś zrobić, nadszedł czas
after hours
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po godzinach
eleventh hour
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za pięć dwunasta
in a flash/jiffy
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w mgnieniu oka
the small hours
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bardzo późno / wczesnym rankiem
the witching hour
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godzina duchów
make it in time
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zdążyć na czas

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