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is a skull a mineral
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no its manmade
Is quartz a mineral
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what are minerals used for by humans
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zippers, pencils, makeup
is wood a mineral
Eating apples is very healthy.
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Comer manzanas es muy saludable.
what is a mineral
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1. naturally organic 2. it is inorganic 3. it is a solid 4. has a crystaling structure 5. definite chemical composition
is diamond manmade?
Do you know that I like you?
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no its a mineral
¿Sabes que me gustas?
what is an ore
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mineral deposits from which metals and nonmetals can be removed from profitably
what is a metal
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1. has a shiny surface 2. mineral resource 3. good heat and light conductors 4. bend easily
what does a nonmetal have that a metal does not have
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a dull surface,
what is a native element
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metallic mineral
what exists in the earths crust
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native element
what is contact metamorphis
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when magma comes into contact with existing rock
what is a vein
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when new minerals precipitate from solution and form a narrow zone of rock
define lode
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when thick mineral veins form in a relatively small region which is the ore deposits
a deposit that contains a valuable mineral that has been concentrated by mechanical action
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this is a placer deposit
what is a gemstone
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a mineral that can be used as jewelry or an ornament when its cut and polished
what is subsurface mining
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miners use this technique to find underground mineral deposits
what is surface mining
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when the overlying rock material is stripped away to reveal the mineral deposits

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