Spices in Italian

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spezie (f.pl.)
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zucchero (m.)
brown sugar
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zucchero di canna (m.)
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basilico (m.)
inizia ad imparare
timo (m.)
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pepe (m.)
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sale (m.)
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peperoncino (m.)
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cannella (f.)
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zenzero (m.)
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coriandolo (m.)
bay leaf
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alloro (m.)
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menta (f.)
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origano (m.)
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vaniglia (f.)
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pepe della Giamaica (m.)
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maggiorana (f.)
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curcuma (f.)
cumin seeds
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cumino (m.)
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aneto (m.)
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noce moscata (f.)
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dragoncello (m.)
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aglio (m.)
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prezzemolo (m.)
inizia ad imparare
zafferano (m.)

Spices in Italian

Learn the basic vocabulary in Italian! The magic of language learning is that you never know when you will need the word or phrase that you have at the tip of your tongue! Get to know Spices in Italian and never forget it again! Start with Spices and take a look at this beautiful language! Our audio recordings will help you get the right Italian pronunciation and the images next to each word will make the whole learning process fast!

Reasons to master Italian

There are many reasons to learn Italian language! Learning Italian language will give you access to various books, movies or even memes, created in Italian language. Doesn't it seem enough to you? It still isn't enough? Well, probably you are not someone who likes to be challenged ...! Learning a new language is surely not so common. You could achieve a considerable result "almost" alone! Do you think you can become familiar with a language with us? Give us (and give yourself) the possibility!

How to learn Italian for good

Our language learning application will take care of your Italian vocabulary by scheduling repetitions of the words in Italian you didn't know making you remember more in less time.

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If you feel embarassed while speaking Italian, you might want to take a look at our content and gain the confidence by learning Italian language on a daily basis!

Take a look at our other Italian lessons

Give us a chance and start with our lesson on Spices in Italian! You are going to love it! Why don't you take a look at our Italian language courses and don't forget to check our other flashcards on Italian language.

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