Stage 11 Lesson 167 part3

 0    24 schede    iwanjoanna39
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różnią się
Describe your daily routine
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I wake up at 7 o'clock, then we eat breakfast together with my son and husband, then my housband is taking my son to the kindergarten and I'm to going to work.
Would you prefer a job where you had a regular routine or one where your tasks varied from day to day?
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I'd prefer a job where my taks varied from day to day
break up
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When a married couple break up, do you think their assets should always be divided equally in the divorce?
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No, when a married couple break up, i don't think their assets should be divided equally in the divorce
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skrępowany, niepewny, niespokojny
Why do many people feel uneasy when they think about future of the planet?
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Many people feel uneasy when they think about the future of the planet because there are mamy dangerous these days like wars or natural disasters
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osada, porozumienie
What's generally the difference between the words district and region?
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The difference... that district is generally used to describe a distinct part of a city for official reasons, whereas region is generally used to describe a distinct part of a larger area such as a country, continent or even the world
Where were the first English settlements on the continent of North America: on the east coast or the west coast?
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The first English settlements on the continent of North America was on the east coast
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sklepikarz, zieleniak
specialize in
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specializować się w
What's the difference between a grocer and a greengrocer?
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The difference between a grocer and a greengrocer is that a grocer sells all kinds of food and everyday houshold goods, whereas a greengrocer specializes in selling fruit and vegetables
try out
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try on
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high fidelity, wysoka wierność odtwarania
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akcesoria, wyposażenie
Which of these sentences is correct: He tried out the hi-fi speakers before buying them or He tried on speakers
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He tried out ... is correct
Why (tried out and tried on)
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Because try on is only used when we're talking about clothes, and accessories such as hats, items of jewellery
So give me an example of try on
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I tried on new jeans but they were too small

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