What the state of your desk says about you: The Minimalist

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a small piece of coloured, sticky paper that you use for writing a note on, and that can be easily removed
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Post-it™ /’pəʊst ɪt/ (also Post-it note)
rupiecie; synonym: mess
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clutter (n)
zagracić, zagracać, zaśmiecić, zaśmiecać (zaburzyć porządek)
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to clutter something (up) (with something/somebody)
wskazywać, pokazywać
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to indicate
cecha (np. charakteru), rys charakterystyczny
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a trait
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ostrożność, roztropność, rozwaga; też: powściągliwość, rezerwa
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to enjoy something or be successful at something, especially something that other people would not like
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to thrive on something
odbicie, odcisk, ślad
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an imprint
piętno (np. przeszłości)
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an imprint

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