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Domanda Risposta
biblioteka jest
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there is a library
czy kupiliście
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did you buy it?
dobrze płatna praca jest
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there is a well-paid job
poproszono aktorkę
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the actress was asked
ubiegała się już
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she has already applied
zostałyt oddane
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have been given away
pokażę ci
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I'll show you
czy są jakieś galerie
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are there any galleries
gdzie się spotkkamy
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where will we meet
uczeń, którego mama
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student whose mother
dużym fanem
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big fan
on ma zamiar pływać
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he is going to swim
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you check
karmi psa
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feeds the dog
czy powinniśmy nosić
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should we wear
dzwoni codzienie
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calls every day
nie musicie pytać
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you don't have to ask
osób jest
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there are people
czy ona jest wysoka?
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is she tall?
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