1. Success & Failure

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Domanda English Risposta English
to happen as planned, or to succeed
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come off
The plan might come off
to gain with effort
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reach/achive the goals
She achieved her goal despite setbacks
Fail, to amount to nothing; to be worthless.
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1. come to nothing 2. come to naught
The hard work came to nothing
find it difficult to do sth
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Have trouble doing sth
He was having trouble hearing her
completely fail
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to fail miserably
an idea, situation, or method that is likely to result in something
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a recipe for disaster
Treating teenagers like six-year-olds is a recipe for disaster.
very successful
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Highly effective
She's a highly effective teacher.
achieve something that you have been aiming for
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to succeed in doing sth
He succeeded in winning a pardon.
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sharpen the saw
to combine or work together in order to be more effective, or to make things or people do this
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The different parts of the farming system should synergize with each other.
Come up with a plan to make everyone happy
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think win-win
Try to see things from another’s point of view before you start sharing your own.
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Seek to understand then to be understood
Knowing where you want to be in the future
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Begin with the end in mind
taking control of the things you can control and forgetting about the things you can’t control.
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Be proactive

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