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punktualnosc, - punctuality
crucial role
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Kluczowa rola. niezbędny, istotny, ważny, decydujący-very important. The crucial changes must come from within the country itself. This is a crucial moment to make this decision.
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niezbędny, podstawowy. He was the essential element in the show. Breathing is essential to life.
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zachowywać ważność. Will this meat last a week? trwać. How long did the film last? starczyć. She thinks that seven chairs won't last.
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solidny, twardy, jędrny. I wish I had firm skin. I prefer sleeping on a firm mattress. stały, pewny. He's got a firm job.
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opóźniony, zaległy, przeterminowany (np. płatność, książka z biblioteki). His former employer delays sending him an overdue payment
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to, co się komuś należy. My enemies will get their dues. płatny. The bill was due until today.
due to
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dzięki komuś, dzięki czemuś. I passed this exam due to his help.
apparently she has some reason
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widocznie ma jakiś powód. widocznie, najwidoczniej, najwyraźniej. Apparently, I always choose the losing side
consider himself an unlucky man
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uważać się za pechowy człowiek. uważać (coś za coś), traktować, uznać. He didn't really consider it stealing.
bring the infection on
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<cause>wywołać coś, spowodować coś (np. chorobę) The small cut brought the infection on. What has brought on the war in 1939?
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kichać. Then suddenly he sneezed
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zamącić w głowie, zdezorientować. His story really confused me. pomylic. It's easy to confuse twins. I confused this man with my uncle.
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zażenowany, zakłopotany. I was really embarrassed the first time I tried to kiss a girl. embarrass sb. wprawić kogoś w zakłopotanie, zawstydzić kogoś."I know I've embarrassed you, sir," she said.

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