100 zwrotów, które musisz znać pisząc po angielsku - Engleash. net (cz. 8 zwroty podsumowujące)

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wreszcie, w końcu
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Finally, I would like to concentrate on the main issue.
krótko mówiąć
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In short
In short, it was outrageous.
w sumie
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All things considered
All things considered, he is a happy man.
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To sum up
To sum up, there are advantages and disadvantages.
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To recap
To recap, it can be accepted.
na zakończenie
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To conclude
To conclude, the translator domesticated the story.
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In conclusion
I would like to say in conclusion, that I admire them.
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As a conclusion
As a conclusion we may quote the poet...
ogólnie rzecz biorąc
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Generally speaking
Generally speaking, it is not a problem.
ogólnie rzecz biorąc
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On the whole
On the whole, it is a quite good idea.
wreszcie, w końcu
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... and lastly it is the most popular programme.

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