10A, 10B Vocabulary

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Domanda English Risposta English
put sth up
I put up some new tiles in the kitchen.
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put sth on a wall or build sth
put sth in
Bill's putting in some new lighting in the kitchen
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put a piece of equipment into your home so that it is readt to use
When are you going to fix the roof?
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repair sth that is broken or not working properly
I'm going to decorate the bathroom next.
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make the inside of building more attractive by painting the walls, putting up wallpaper, etc.
I think it's time to replace the boiler, it's over 15 years old.
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get sth new to put in the place of sth that has been broken, stolen, etc.
This skirt needs to be dry-cleaned.
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clean clothes with chemicals instead of water
My boiler is sericed every year.
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examine a car, boiler, etc. and fix it if nessesary
It's fair to say we often criticise young people.
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it is rightto do or say something
Many articles written about young people are extremely biased.
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unfairly preferring one person or group of people over another
Public transport employees often have to deal with threatening behaviour.
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when you believe someone is going to harm you
They have to deal with abusive language from young people.
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using rude and offensie words
No wonder young people feel resentful when all they get is bad press.
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feel angry and upset because you tink something is unfair
It's resonable to be suspicious when groups of young people gather together
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fair and sensible
Young people with a very disciplined home-life are less likely to get into trouble
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obeying rules which control your behaviour
Many adults are prejudiced against young people and don't give them a chance.
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having un unfair and inreasonable dislike of someone or something
Teachers are often unable to control unruly behaviour in class
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difficult to control
The media isn't objective when it reports about the youth of today.
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based on facts rather than feelings or beliefs

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