10th July 2014

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Domanda Risposta
fala mdłości
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feeling/wave of nausea
kartki z życzeniami
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greetings cards BrE, greeting cards AmE
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Spotykamy się dokładnie o 1.30.
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We're meeting at one-thirty sharp.
przybyć / przyjechać
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to get in
We get in to Heathrow at ten o'clock.
What time does the bus get in?
nie jestem pewna
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I can’t say for sure.
z pewnością / bez wahania
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with confidence
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present participle = the -ing
w swoim własnym tempie
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at your own pace
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recommend (that) you do sth
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alternative TO sth
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let's wrap up by looking at some common mistakes
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fast checkouts
za radą, na podstawie
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On the advice of
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nosić przy sobie pieniądze
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to carry cash
media społecznościowe
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social medial U
zostańcie ze mną
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You just stick with me. I'll explain everything as we go along.

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