16th Oct 2014

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Domanda Risposta
licytowa, skada oferté w aukcji
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Somebody bid $2000 for the sculpture.
bal przebierańców
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fancy-dress party
FANCY DRESS (U) - clothes that you wear, especially to parties, that make you look like a famous person, a character from a story etc = AmE costume
wymyślić coś, wykombinować coś (np. plan)
marzyć o czyms
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dream sth up
to dream of
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smart BrE / sharp
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to crouch OR crouch down = to squat OR squat down
Paula crouched down and held her hands out to the fire.
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ten pies ma wściekliznę
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that dog has (got) rabies
wyskoczyć przez okno
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jump out the window
za tydzień
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in a week's time
zastępca managera
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Deputy Shop Manager
Lekarz powiedział, że...
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the doctor said that I must / had to / would have to stop smoking.
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to do well in an exam
ma podobne znaczenie
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is similar in meaning to

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