18th July 2014

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wynurzyć się
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to resurface
z góry wyrobiony sąd, opinia, uprzedzenie
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wychodzi, o filmie, w maju
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it comes out in May
a short skirt made of many folds of stiff material, worn by ballet dancers
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rustic; simple, old-fashioned, and not spoiled by modern developments, in a way that is typical of the countryside
The village had a certain rustic charm.
mieć ładne kształty
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to have nice curves
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a truly memorable
someone who parks your car for you at a hotel or restaurant
portier odprowadzający samochody gości na parking
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something that is useless, especially because it does not work correctly
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obfity, suty, pokaźny (np. posiłek, ilość)
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He could drink copious amounts of beer without ill effect.
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karmić kogoś czymś
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feed sth/sb TO sth
Several children were feeding bread to the ducks.
przyćmić kogoś
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All the big-name stars were upstaged by 12-year-old Katy Rochford.
nieumyślnie, przez nieuwagę
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szacuje się
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it is estimated that
Czuje się lato
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It feels like summer
czuć się nieswojo
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czuć się nieswojo in inglese
to feel like a fish out of water
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to fish OUT / Eric fished a peppermint out of the bag.
kąśliwy, zjadliwy
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barbed (remark)
coś z listy marzeń
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bucket list moment
aktorka komiczna
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pozbyć się czegoś
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an incinerator built to dispose OF toxic waste
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perceptibly, noticeably
co ciekawe
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Interestingly enough, Pearson made no attempt to deny the rumour.
myśleć kreatywnie, wyjść poza ramy standardowego myślenia
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Thinking outside the box (also thinking out of the box
sztuczne zapłodnienie
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artificial insemination
pokazywać, wystawiać
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to exhibit
solanka, woda morska
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fish pickled in brine
kisić, peklować
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to pickle
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