19th July 2014

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wczesną jesienią
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in the early autumn
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ample time/evidence/opportunity
to jest bardzo ważne
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it's of utmost importance
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offspring, progeny
budowa genetyczna
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genetic makeup
budowa genetyczna
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genetic make-up, DNA
substancja zapachowa, feromon
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(eMIT) pheromone
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pupa AmE; chrysalis
maszyna do znoszenia jajek
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egg-laying machine
warte próby
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worth a try
zadawać sobie wiele trudu
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take great care to
podać informację komuś
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She said she'd pass the message on to the other students.
dla ciekawości
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for interest sake
tęgi, kurpulentny
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sercem i duszą
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Edith loved her boy with all her heart and soul.
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At certain times of the year
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make up a relatively small percentage
szczyt czegoś, np. sezonu
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at the peak of sth
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be the height of fashion/stupidity/luxury
to wrongly think that one person or thing is someone or something else
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mistake somebody/something for somebody/something
poszukiwać np. pokarmu
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People are being forced to forage for food and fuel.
gruczoły produkujące wosk
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wax-producing glands
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After mating with the queen, the drone’s most personal apparatus is torn away, and it falls to its death.
zwód (w piłce nożnej)
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to hit an insect in order to kill it
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to swat
He calmly swatted a couple of flies.
chwycić coś
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Get a good grip on
świątek piątek i niedziela
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day in and day out
czy pasują do mojej sukienki?
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do you think they go with my dress?
lista rzeczy, któr
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life list
duża plotka
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a big fat rumour
na zewnątrz
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outside + OF => AmE
nieskazitelnie czysty
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robić coś na zmiany
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take turns
zwiastun problemu
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an indication of a problem
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zmyślny, sprytny
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something that is nifty is good because it is clever, skilful, or effective
miód pitny
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kiepska pogoda
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foul weather
a very short sleep
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have/take a catnap
Nomes slept badly, and had to take catnaps during the day.

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