1st Sept 2014

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nie do zdobycia, niepokonany (np. o twierdzy)
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an impregnable fortress
strong and impossible to change or influence:
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her impregnable obstinacy
upór, uporczywość, nieustępliwość
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daremny, próżny (np. trud)
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a futile attempt to save the paintings from the flames
a futile attempt/effort; it is futile to do something
kombinacja, permutacja, przemiana
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a sandwich shop that sells every possible permutation of meat and bread
one of the different ways in which a number of things can be arranged
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uparty in inglese
determined not to change your ideas, behaviour, opinions etc, even when other people think you are being unreasonable [= stubborn]
prząść sieć
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to spin the web

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